How To Choose Your CLOSEST Friends

Friday, October 5, 2018


I'm glad you're here and I hope you can find something useful!
Community is so important!
But why?

When something happens (and something will happen), you're going to need support.
Do you have people you can call up and lean on?

Yes? That's really great!
But are they super reliable?
Would they drop everything to help you?

No? You need to get yo'self some friends!
What are you waiting for?

When life happens, you need to have support.
If you don't, you won't survive.

Below are some things that you can look for in the friends that you keep the closest to you.


Imagine you're sitting on a chair in the middle of a circle.

Immediately around you are 5 friends also sitting in chairs.
You can touch them and talk to them easily

Then there's 10 people in another ring around the 5.
You can see them. You might be able to reach and touch them, but it's a lot harder.
You have to raise your voice to converse with them.

Behind them is another row of 20.
And so on and so forth.

This circle represents your relationships.
You can't squeeze more than 5 chairs closest to you.
If you bring someone else in, it'll squeeze one of the current 5 to the circle of 10.

These 5 friends shape who you are.
You become who you hang out with.
While this is an over-used phrase, it's over-used because it's so true!

If it's true, then we have to be picky about the people we allow to be closest to us.
We have to be intentional about spending time with them.
We have to care for them.


Now that you know you need good friends, you need to know what to look for in a friend.
This is a short list of some of the most important qualities in your closest friends.

If your friends aren't speaking positively over your life, they're bringing you down.
You need friends that are positive and uplifting to you.

Your friends need to be honest with you.
If they don't love you enough to be honest, you don't need them to be in your inner circle.

Authenticity is similar to honesty, but it's an overall honest approach to life.
Get friends that are REAL with you!
Don't get those fake friends who only talk about how great and perfect their life is.

If you tell your friend you're starting a blog or diet or whatever, you want them to hold you accountable.
You want them to check in and make sure you're sticking to it!

Accountability is great, but encouragement is even better!
Really, they go hand-in-hand, but accountability without encouragement is just downright disheartening.
Surround yourself with people who are encouraging you.

Not irresponsible or reckless, but fun!
You need friends that make you laugh and get you out of the house to do fun things.
Don't forget to have fun.

And finally, find friends who are trustworthy.
If you can't trust them, they definitely shouldn't be in your inner circle.
You'll be so much more relaxed around your friends when you trust them.


If you want great kind of friends, you need to work on being a great friend.
You can't expect to have awesome friends if you treat them like crap.
And if they're treating you like crap, they're not a good friend.
What's something that you could work on this week to be a better friend?


Through our local church, we have joined a community group.
Our small group is made up entirely of newly married couples (married within the last 2 years).

It's important to surround yourself with people who are in the same stage of life, as well as with people a step or so ahead of you.
Every week on Wednesday nights we meet up at someone's house.
We pull out our bibles and discuss a particular passage.
Or we'll watch a video from our church's Anthology app and discuss it.
{See more about Anthology in my post: The Most Used Apps On My Phone}

Most importantly, we catch up with each other and check in.
What are you up?
How's the job search?
How's your pregnancy?
How can we pray for you?

It's wonderful to have people that you know care about you and pray for you every week.


Did you identify some friends that need to move out of your inner circle?
How about people you want to become close friends?
How can you work on being a great friend to those around you today?

Comment or shoot me an email at
Follow me on InstagramPinterest, & Facebook @AttitudeOfAdventure

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