Will We Work In Heaven?

Friday, October 12, 2018


Recently I was reading my bible and happened upon a passage in Genesis.
As I was reading, I noticed something that I had never seen before.
First of all, I do not have a theological degree.
I grew up in a Christian home and I work at a church in the bookstore.
I'm always looking for new ways to grow, whether that be spiritually, mentally, physically, etc.


This verse hit me the other day.
I've read it a million times, but I'd never really thought about it.

God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th.
If you read verse 5, it says that nothing was growing yet.
On the 3rd day, he had created vegetation, but it wasn't able to grow without watering and gardening.

He made Adam for the purpose of taking care of the world.
This was BEFORE the fall.
Before sin had entered the world, God created man to work.

If this is so on earth, will this not be the case in Heaven?


We were made with a purpose.
We were made by God to work and find fulfillment.
We were never meant to sit around and do nothing.
In fact most of the time we have to overcome laziness to achieve the best version of ourselves.

If you want to be healthy you need to work at it and exercise.
If you want to learn a new skill or talent it takes practice and diligence.

We are the best versions of ourselves when we work hard and feel purposeful.

Most of the jobs in the world, in one way or another, are serving someone else.
By serving others, you bring value to the world.
Work was made to bring us closer to each other and our Creator.

I don't just have anecdotal evidence either, statistics show people who go long periods without working are more likely to experience mental health issues and depression.
See this interesting article for more info.

When I go on vacation, I love being away, adventuring and having a great time.
But about 4 or 5 days in, I start to long for home.
I long for my regular schedule, to be back at work and home, getting things done.

I become more and more antsy the longer we're gone.
I miss feeling fulfilled by helping others and working hard.


I found an article on Billy Graham's website that talks a little more about working in Heaven.
He explains that before the fall and sin entered the world, work was not strenuous.
Genesis 3:14-19 explains the pains we must live under because of sin.
Before sin though, these pains didn't exist.

I believe that Heaven is much like what the earth was before sin.

Imagine not being in competition with everyone because you trust them.
They have your best interest in mind and you have theirs.
You're a team of people working toward a single goal.

No more ladders. No more comparison.
It would be beautiful!


If you don't have the YouVersion Bible app, stop what you're doing and go get it!
This. App. Is. AMAZING!
{See why I love it so much in my post: The Most Used Apps On My Phone}

As far as translations go, I like the New International Version (NIV).
Not because it's the best or easiest to read, but because it's popularly used.
I can read along with most people because most use an NIV.

Other great translations include The Message Bible and New Living Translation.
The app makes it super easy to switch between them all.
My favorite physical Bible is The Jesus Bible by Passion City Church.
It's the NIV translation and has great notes and articles in the bible.
There's also room on the sides for notes.

My favorite part is that in the side notes and articles, it always points to Jesus.
When reading the old testament, you can see notes about what was being prophesied.
The authors of these informational tid-bits are well-known authors and speakers in the Christian community.


Have you thought about working in Heaven?
Does this surprise you? Let me know!

Comment or shoot me an email at AttitudeOfAdventure@gmail.com
Follow me on InstagramPinterest, & Facebook @AttitudeOfAdventure

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