56 Winter Date Ideas That'll Get You Out Of The Same-Date Cycle

Friday, November 23, 2018


Or if not again, welcome to The Attitude Of Adventure Blog!
I'm Morgan Deane and my mission with this blog is to give great, applicable advice and funny stories, so that you get a laughleave with something helpful, and keep coming back!
I'm a Christ follower, I'm married to the LOVE of my life, we're parents to Winston BARKtholomew Deane the Goldendoodle, and I love drinking homemade smoothies every morning!
{Want to know More About Me? Check it out!}

And now, for the reason you came here today!
Sometimes Andy and I fall in the same dating patterns and we need some different ideas to shake it up! Here's some that we've enjoyed or are on our list.


Let's start with some great dates that are outside. Bundle up because though it's cold, these are worth getting outside for!
Get A Christmas Tree
Duh! This is obviously the first one because I just love Christmas.
Visit The Botanical Gardens
This is especially dear to our hearts because Andy proposed at the Botanical Gardens in Atlanta in mid-December 2016. They put up thousands of lights and the place is just beautiful and magical!
Build A Snowman
If it snows, you can't not. The year you stop building a snowman is the year you become boring. Be an exciting person and get your hands cold, then come in for some hot cocoa.
Go Ice Skating
If you live in the south, it's harder to do this outside, but there are plenty of indoor rinks. And it's so romantic!
Recreate A Date
What a fun way to get out of the house and enjoy reminiscing in times past.
Go To A Bonfire
Yes! Or host one if you can. Breathe in the smells of burning wood and roasting marshmallows. Don't forget blankets to cuddle by the fire.
Take A Horse-Drawn Carriage
Every little girl dreams of riding in a horse-drawn carriage. Odds are that little girl has carried that romantic movie-perfect fantasy into adulthood. *hint, hint Andy  ;)
Attend A Holiday Parade
Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, there are all kinds of parades you can attend! Or if you're not big on crowds, watch one on the TV.
Go Hiking
Just be careful that you hike somewhere there isn't a bunch of slippery ice. #GAprobs
Go Skiing or Snowboarding
This is one that is still on our list! Andy and I have both gone, but never together. One of these days.
Visit The Zoo
See the winter animals and Christmas lights that decorate the area.
Get In A Hot Tub
If you have one, then great! Otherwise, borrow a friend's or get a hotel room for the night.
Volunteer A Local Shelter
What better way to show love than giving back to others? The winter is hardest on homeless people and those with low income and young children. Give some socks and a warm meal to those in need.
Go Sledding
If there's enough snow, find a hill, get out there, and do some sledding!
Start A Snowball Fight
Only if you're prepared to take fire right back. No unfair pushing snow down others' coats. That's the worst. #StillSalty


Technically these are outdoor dates, but you're inside the car, so they get their own category. It's the perfect combo of staying warm, but getting out of the house.
Drive-Thru Christmas Lights Display
These are so fun! And the light displays get so creative!
Karaoke In The Car
Turn it up and belt out your favorite Christmas songs. It'll be worth it!
Listen To Christmas Music
If you don't feel like karaoke-ing it up, at least turn some Christmas music on.
Drive Around Neighborhoods & Rate Christmas Lights
Do you love free dates? This one's for you! Some people have great decorations and some are just tacky. Bring hot cocoa and rate the decorating others have done.


When it's cold, it's nice to have some warmer dates in the loop. These are fun and get you out of the house during this cold season.
Dinner & A Show
Whether comedy or concert, this is a fun way to get out of the house and be inside. Extra points if it's Christmas themed.
Visit A Cabin
This is one of my favorite ways to get away from the world and disconnect for a bit.
Rent A Room & Do Some Karaoke
This is a great group date idea! But even if it's just the 2 of you, it can still be fun.
Desserts Only Date
Because I just love desserts and we don't eat a lot of sugar, so this is a fun special occasion!
Go To A Hockey Game
Even if you know nothing about hockey, this is fun! And if you know nothing about hockey, you really should watch The Might Ducks movies.
Visit An Aquarium
What a great way to stay inside and enjoy something you don't see everyday. Don't forget to attend a dolphin show. Those are extra special!
Go Christmas Ornament Shopping
You can probably tell that I love Christmas, right? Yeah. Shopping for ornaments is a lot of fun, especially when they're on sale at Hobby Lobby!
Go Bowling
Another great group date idea!
Factory Tour
Could be chocolate, soda, or plastic water bottles, but this is always a fun experience!
Movie Theater Date
Extra points if it's a theater where they serve food during the movie! Those have extra leg room and you can share a milkshake.
Go To Krispy Kreme
My dad works for Krispy Kreme so I grew up watching the doughnuts rise and fall, but it never gets old! Also, the doughnuts are delicious and they have some yummy coffee drinks.


These are the best! Often they're free and you don't have to leave the warmth of your house. I love lazy days playing games or reading by the fire.
Cuddle By The Fireplace
What's better than a fireplace in the winter? Nothing.
Snuggle With An Electric Blanket
But if you don't have a fireplace, use an electric blanket. We LOVE our electric blanket. It's worth every penny invested and makes a good gift if your family needs ideas.
Make Hot Chocolate With Milk
If you're going to cheat and use the powder, at least use milk. Water does not cut it anymore! Don't forget the whipped cream and marshmallows.
Make A Fort
Go back to your childhood dreams of fort days. Now that you're stronger and taller and more resourceful, you can go all out!
Write Down 25 Things You're Thankful For
Only 25? It's harder than it would seem. But if you write down more, then look at you you little over-achiever!
Movie Marathon Weekend
Harry Potter, Star Wars, Hunger Games, Disney Princesses, Chick Flicks, Christmas Movies, Lord Of The Rings, Marvel, you name it! Pick a series and spend the weekend on the couch.
Blow Up An Air Mattress On The Living Room Floor
Or instead of the couch, use an air mattress. We just started doing this and I'm obsessed! I don't think we need a couch anymore.  ;)
Decorate A Gingerbread House
This is fun to do together. Bake it yourself, get a kit, or use graham crackers. However you decide to, just have fun!
Dance Off To Music From Your High School Years
Throwback Thursday! If you have kids, get them in on the dance party. Our puppy, Winston, loves dance parties with us!
Look Through Wedding Photos
Speaking of throwbacks, sit down and look through your wedding photos. Aw! What a sweet special time together.
Tell Each Other 25 Things You Love About The Other
Easier said than done. 25 is a lot, but it's so special and it's great to remember why you love the person you're with.
Give Each Other Massages
We suggest using the tutorials by Melt Massage. The instructor is calming and easy to understand. He uses terms that are easy to remember and best of all he has an accent. The videos are extremely professional and way worth the money.
Do A Puzzle
Andy and I love a good puzzle on a cold day. We set it up on our puzzle board and listen to podcasts.
{See 13 Great Podcasts We Love}
Make A Birthday Cake For Jesus
If you have kids, this is a great way to help them remember why we celebrate Christmas. And also, there's cake, so...
Watch A Holiday Parade
If you're a cold wimp like me, you may not want to attend a parade in person, but you can definitely watch! I love waking up on Thanksgiving and watching the parade. It's of my absolute favorite childhood traditions!
Put Up Christmas Decorations
Yes the first day of Winter is technically December 21st, but if it's cold and past Halloween, it's totally like Winter to me. Put on some great Christmas music and decorate the tree, the house, the front porch, the dog, everything.
Take A Personality Test
This is a fun way to connect and get to know each other better!
Talk About Your Dreams
When you're working toward a common goal, you'll get there faster. Share your dreams for your future and create a plan to get there!
Buy A Gift Under $10 For Each Other On Amazon In 5 Minutes
This is a fun game to play when our budget is tight, but we still want to buy things. Who can find the best thing? The funniest thing. Ready? Set the timer for 5 minutes. Go!
Make S'mores Dip
Yasss! I LOVE s'mores dip. Which is really funny because I'm not a huge fan of s'mores. This is a great way to have the taste of s'mores without being outside.
Read Song Of Solomon Together
Write A Short Story
Look up some prompts on Pinterest and laugh together as you create something together.
Read Harry Potter
Or any other book series. This one is on our list to read together. We mostly read non-fiction, but sometimes you've just got to mix it up and get your imagination going!
Bake Cookies
What is your favorite kind of cookie? What is your partner's? Bake them both. Turn on some music while you're at it and dance around, licking the spoon as you go!
Make A New Year's Resolution List
What do you want the next year to look like? At the end of this year, did you accomplish everything you wish you had? Get there next year.
Host A Board Game Night
It could just be the 2 of you or you could invite friends over. We love game nights!
{See Our Top 30 Go-To Board & Card Games}


What are your favorite winter dates? What did I forget to mention?

I hope you enjoyed today's topic!
If you want to see more by me, check out my full list of blog posts.

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